A Brief Reminder on Basic Estate Planning

If you’re like most people, you spend way more time thinking about your investments than the other equally important topics within your own financial plan. Just this week, I spoke with a client who was fortunate to recover from a health emergency a few days earlier – and both the client and spouse are acutely aware that the outcome could have been very, very different.

When I ask clients about their estate plan, I generally hear one of the following responses about 90% of the time:

1) “Uhhh… I did it maybe 20 years ago? But things have changed significantly since then…” or

2) (looks around the room) “What estate plan?”

If you’re in that 90%, the good news is that you have company, AND the process is relatively straightforward. It can also be helpful to talk with your financial planner to clarify your goals first before you consult with an attorney to draft the plan documents. And while it’s not necessarily the topic you want to spend time thinking about, I promise you will feel better when it’s done.

~ Presented by Danica Goshert


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